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布衣平民 Lv1 Rank: 1

[ 1楼 ]
发表于 2008-09-06 01:59发布于 09-06 01:59 较早前 |只看该作者
When my junior middle school I detected that I do not have the interest to the female student, is interested on the contrary to the big handsome vigorous and healthy man, specially 30-40 years old, even over 50 year-old attire very straight fresh light, handsome free and easy, mature male. Always the fantasy and they in the same place, are stroked by them, kiss .....Is hugged by them in the bosom sleeps, that will be the how happy matter!! I want to ask 38 above 58 following men to spend together the life! You must the mature steady erudite Confucian scholar!! We can greet the future together the repeated difficulties! We can spend together the mornings and evenings!! loves a person well difficult, hoped that you are that person who I must look! I like mature steady erudite Confucian scholar the middle and old age!


我想找38--60成熟稳重儒雅的男人!我对西装或者U熊特有好感!来信有照必回! 我33/170/70 QQ***


布衣平民 Lv1 Rank: 1

[ 2楼 ]
楼主 | 发表于 2008-09-06 02:02发布于 09-06 02:02 较早前

我喜欢成熟 儒雅的中老年!

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