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[青年找中年] Beijing 23 176 66 senior college student.


布衣平民 Lv1 Rank: 1

[ 1楼 ]
发表于 2013-05-01 16:42发布于 05-01 16:42 较早前 |只看该作者
the first time to talk here. seems difficult to find a satisfactory daddy. Any way, just try.
I am 23 176 67. Orinary looking, Good body shape. love sports, love reading, love academy.
i admire a mid-age daddy in Beijing. Hope u r an eminent entrepreneur or distingushed researcher.
if u r, just contact me by the email: ***.
It is appreciatable if u mention your basic information, education, work, or anything else.
Many thanks. Take care and good luck.
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