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Elin Lanto-As Long As I Can Dream 抒情女声


布衣平民 Lv1 Rank: 1


[ 1楼 ]
发表于 2010-01-18 16:45发布于 01-18 16:45 较早前 |只看该作者
Elin Lanto是一位不平凡的瑞典女孩,22岁的她不仅拥有年轻姣好的面容,而且充满音乐才华。lanto出生在瑞典英雪萍市附近的一个村庄,她从小学跳舞,7岁开始参加各类舞蹈比赛。然而一次严重的脚伤让她做出了一个重要决定――也许跳舞不再适合她了。 lanto喜欢跟着收音机哼歌,还和一个朋友尝试录制自己的样本唱片,录给她奶奶听,没想过作商业用途的。偶然的一次机会,着名的音乐人英格玛·伯曼收到并试听了她的一张唱片,从此这位才女的音乐潜力被发掘出来了。 2005年秋天,lanto发行了她的第一首单曲i wont cry。该单曲在各大电视电台引起了强烈的反响,受到一致好评,成为瑞典的单曲销量冠军。lanto还获得NRJ音乐颁奖典礼的最受欢迎女歌手奖。

Elin Lanto - as long as i can dream

I watch the leaves fall to the ground

suddently we belled the sun

i carry on the season down

as time's sarander then to now

they said nothings go chemister

but hope will fade away

this is only that i can dream i know

when winter went to very spring we know

and that's the life inside all me

this is all that i can dream

the sun will say i am moving rise

now i did expord the simple lines

the stars brights before my eyes

never mind it in my life

this is only that i can dream i know

when winter went to spring we know

and that's the life inside all me

this is all that i can dream

i close my eyes make a wish

what the way go heres from theres

all i need is a room and the time my through

like a girl always in the green

and this is only that i can dream i know

when winter went to spring we know

and that's the life inside all me

this is all i can dream

this is only that i can dream i'll show

this is no one that its heart can go

we ever faces is there hopely

this is only that i can dream



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