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23岁 刚到上海 寻友 平常心 非419 非恋爱


布衣平民 Lv1 Rank: 1

[ 1楼 ]
发表于 2010-02-12 23:19发布于 02-12 23:19 较早前 |只看该作者
同志交友:你好哇,新年快乐!先介绍一下自己吧:23岁,应届大学生,今年7月份毕业,现在上海实习工作,乐观开朗有时又偏爱安静,音乐 散步和电影。刚走出校园、踏入社会,无不良背景。非419,经济独立前也暂不进行所谓的“恋爱”。寻好友,有健康的生活习惯和品行、能交流即可,对味的话能见面散步之类的也挺好(刚到上海,陌生,空闲时候只能一个人听着音乐沿着高架走啊走)。不寻欢作乐,亦非征婚启事, 希望保持平常心,互相尊重,能正确理解朋友的含义,不带任何不良企图。



联系电话:*** (这个号码不是上海本地的,可能快停机了,QQ***,方便的话给我发QQ邮件吧,勿留言,很少上网)

Hi, what’s your story?

I’m 23, a student in south China, graduating from school this summer. I’m now working P/T in Shanghai, no friends here because I just arrived last month. I’m not fond of making friends all the time, but doesn’t mean I’m difficult to go with, just prefer to be quiet when alone. Actually, what I’m dreaming of is a lover, I mean someone to spend my lifetime with. But it’s never simple never easy. So, I ’m neither looking for sex nor too serious relationship (wait till I can stand on my own feet). Just need someone to talk to or walk with (I really like this kind of life style). We can overcome hard time and share happiness together while the “love” is still somewhere far away. By the way, I’m one of those who do believe in love.

I hope you’re not a boy but a man who can teach me something about life and society. To tell the truth, I’m a boy physically and mentally though nearly 23years old now. I never want to join grow-ups, but I really appreciate those adults who can handle the complicated world easily, and still keep a kind heart as pure as a child. What makes man a man? A kind heart and strong will may be enough.

I don’t have a rich family; my mum and dad are the most valuable treasures for me, both are kind and honesty person never growing greedy ideas. We live as a family and treat each other as friends.

I don’t play ball games or any other sports; actually I hate PE since I was in middle school. But I really, really like walking and running, especially in the morning or at night, both are quiet time. Besides I like reading books and watching movies. Tiesheng Shi (史铁生)is my favorite writer, <the little prince> is my favorite book , <love actually>、<legend of 1900> are moves I appreciate.

Send me your general information and phone number if you think I’m the one to be a soul mate as a matter of time and efforts. I seldom use my PC now because of time and money, I’ve got to work. I’m looking forward to your coming. No one night stand (419).

Te***8 mail: [ema***@qq.com[/email]

风尘奇侠 Lv3 Rank: 3

[ 2楼 ]
发表于 2010-02-13 07:49发布于 02-13 07:49 较早前

布衣平民 Lv1 Rank: 1

[ 3楼 ]
楼主 | 发表于 2010-02-25 19:57发布于 02-25 19:57 较早前


非诚勿扰 非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰非诚勿扰

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