- 主帖回帖
- 24 / 112
- 在线时间
- 42 小时
- 本人年龄
- 中年(40~45)
- 喜爱年龄
- 青年(22~35)
- 所在地区
- 未补全
- 同性角色
- 0.5(1/0)
- 我的身高
- 未补全
- 我的体重
- 未补全
布衣平民 Lv1
本帖最后由 flamingdl 于 3-18 12:09 编辑
The love that dare not speak its name is such a great affection of an elder for a younger man,as there was between David and Jonathan,such as Plato made the very basis of his philosophy,and such as you may find in the sonnets of Michelangelo and shakespeare.
It is misunderstood,so much misunderstood, that it may be described as the love that dare not speak its name.It is beautiful.It is fine.
It is the noblest form of affection.There is nothing unnatural about it.It is intellectural,and it repeatedly exists between an elder and a younger man ,when the elder has intellect and the younger man has all the joy,hope and glamour of life before him.
我想 I am the elder with intellect,而我要找的你, you should be the younger man with all the joy,hope and glamour of life before.
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