
楼主: middleage
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[中年找青年] look for young boy


仗剑天涯 Lv2 Rank: 2Rank: 2

[ 97楼 ]
发表于 2010-05-28 10:20发布于 05-28 10:20 较早前
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布衣平民 Lv1 Rank: 1

[ 98楼 ]
发表于 2010-05-28 10:42发布于 05-28 10:42 较早前
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仗剑天涯 Lv2 Rank: 2Rank: 2

[ 99楼 ]
发表于 2010-05-28 15:06发布于 05-28 15:06 较早前

仗剑天涯 Lv2 Rank: 2Rank: 2

[ 100楼 ]
楼主 | 发表于 2010-05-28 21:27发布于 05-28 21:27 较早前
回复 91# sczone


仗剑天涯 Lv2 Rank: 2Rank: 2

[ 101楼 ]
楼主 | 发表于 2010-05-28 21:28发布于 05-28 21:28 较早前
回复 99# 觅牙白的爸


布衣平民 Lv1 Rank: 1


[ 102楼 ]
发表于 2010-05-29 20:42发布于 05-29 20:42 较早前
174  29   60

布衣平民 Lv1 Rank: 1

[ 103楼 ]
发表于 2010-05-30 15:20发布于 05-30 15:20 较早前
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布衣平民 Lv1 Rank: 1

[ 104楼 ]
发表于 2010-05-30 22:00发布于 05-30 22:00 较早前
回复 30# middleage
好像你看得懂中文 不知道怎么怎么说 虽然我的英语不好 但是还是看的七七八八 大概是看懂了 不知道这么说你明白不 你的要求很高这样的年轻人有 但是不多  
可能是各国所接受的教育程度不一样 或许在你眼里的中国人受教育的水准不能跟贵国相比
但这是个历史问题了 很好奇你在中国找个中国小伙 不知道你的意思 也不敢揣测  
如果是从朋友做起的 那么不妨交个朋友 如果是想找个性伴侣的话 请你离开这里
看懂了再回复 谢谢

布衣平民 Lv1 Rank: 1

[ 105楼 ]
发表于 2010-05-30 22:08发布于 05-30 22:08 较早前
回复 80# joosoo
Hi, thanks a lot, For me, it seems also my first time, to put such transparent communication to public. And it's really admired, that you could also speak french, as it sounds really difficult to me. Are you a student, or you have been working somewhere.

To  Middleage:
Thanks for yr reply. there is only a little time to write some words in the website , it's not my style.Of course I also can understand you .  I am not a student ,,  and have worked 4yrs in the international filed  but It's really very young for me owning to my early graudation,  French is really more diffcult than English ,especailly it's very complex to change verb,  but romantic , enjoyed. I love it.   
I aslo would like to have more languages to commuicate with the people who come from all over the world and do my best to establish own company asap.  after all , it's my future and my profession .sometime ,  I often mix english and french words.haha , some words is really very similar...
I have to stop now , wish you and all have a good night and best regards to everyone.

仗剑天涯 Lv2 Rank: 2Rank: 2

[ 106楼 ]
楼主 | 发表于 2010-05-31 08:21发布于 05-31 08:21 较早前
回复 105# joosoo

Thanks for yr reply. there is only a little time to write some words in the website , it's not my style.Of course I also can understand you .  I am not a student ,,  and have worked 4yrs in the international filed  but It's really very young for me owning to my early graudation,  French is really more diffcult than English ,especailly it's very complex to change verb,  but romantic , enjoyed. I love it.   
I aslo would like to have more languages to commuicate with the people who come from all over the world and do my best to establish own company asap.  after all , it's my future and my profession .sometime ,  I often mix english and french words.haha , some words is really very similar...
I have to stop now , wish you and all have a good night and best regards to everyone.

Hi, thansk a lot for the further response.
Yes, it is really enjoyable to communicate with people worldwide, using languages more than our own mother language.
( Actually it is really nice experience talking to people by using the third language.)

Certainly, people often mix languages during the mutual communication, and for me no difference mixing from time to time with english, japanese and germany together while having conversation with others, especially with those people from Europe.

Wish you a nice day and all the good luck.

布衣平民 Lv1 Rank: 1

[ 107楼 ]
发表于 2010-05-31 17:52发布于 05-31 17:52 较早前
Hi, thansk a lot for the further response.
Yes, it is really enjoyable to communicate with people worldwide, using languages more than our own mother language.
( Actually it is really nice experience talking to people by using the third language.)
Certainly, people often mix languages during the mutual communication, and for me no difference mixing from time to time with english, japanese and germany together while having conversation with others, especially with those people from Europe.
Wish you a nice day and all the good luck.

To middleage:
it's pleasure to review yr reply again. language is only a tool of commuciate with other pepple , espcailly we should pay attention to the way and skill of words , becoz it can reach different effection . wonderful to know that you can speak english, japanese , Germany ,  plus chinese , you can sepak 4 kinds of language , and plus shanghai local language , you can speak 5. haha , how excellent you are! It seems that germany may have a little similar as english , Japanese have a bit simiar as Chinese , right ???

风尘奇侠 Lv3 Rank: 3

[ 108楼 ]
发表于 2010-05-31 18:51发布于 05-31 18:51 较早前

仗剑天涯 Lv2 Rank: 2Rank: 2

[ 109楼 ]
楼主 | 发表于 2010-05-31 20:30发布于 05-31 20:30 较早前
回复 107# joosoo

Hi, thanks.
Haha, unfortunately, I don't speak Shanghainese, as my home town is Fujian Province.
Ya, it seems you are right that, Germany has quite a lot of vocabury are similiar to English, but with much easier pronunciation , even thought the grammar of Germany is as difficult as French.
And since Japanese applying a lot words from Chinese,  it is, I consider, much easier for us Chinese to learn Japanese than people from other countries.

Good luck.

布衣平民 Lv1 Rank: 1

[ 110楼 ]
发表于 2010-05-31 21:15发布于 05-31 21:15 较早前
HI ,
U are online also ? how are you ? what are you doing now ?
it doesn't matter you couldn't speak shanghainese , but you can speak Minnan dialect, it's also different chinese. haha , right? when I am in the univerisity , so many student perfer to choose Japanese as 2nd forgein language owning to it's easy to study it for chinese people.

仗剑天涯 Lv2 Rank: 2Rank: 2

[ 111楼 ]
楼主 | 发表于 2010-06-01 09:04发布于 06-01 09:04 较早前
回复 110# joosoo

Hi, bonjour.
Yes, I do speak Minnan.
And You are right, most students might choose in school japanese as second foreign language. But I also think quite a big part of them made that choice specificly because of the affection from the TV or  the video game.
Different story for me, as we studied in Mechanical Engineering, all our classmate chose German instead, since we all considered in this field Germany might have better technology and good future, even though years later we all found Japan is also very strong in this industry.
( But I feel lucky that we did make the right choice, as after the graduate I have to learn again japanese for the need of my career, that in the first decade of my career I speak mostly japanese. )
Hehe, how about you ?
Au revoir.

布衣平民 Lv1 Rank: 1

[ 112楼 ]
发表于 2010-06-01 13:20发布于 06-01 13:20 较早前
Bonjour, Monsieur, Comment allez-vous?
haha , it seems that you can sepak french?
You are not only lucky , I think studying Japanese increases your fortune. u get more knowledge , it's benefit all your life and working. like now you can own your business.     for me , the same, different story from you ,  it's not convenient to speak more here in public. however, we  have same factor is that i want  improve myself to reach the need of my career and own our business by 2nd language. as you know, in this internation filed, we depend on the more 2nd forgein language , futhermore , we need more advantadges to compete with yr colleague, otherwise , a clerk forever ......
from last page , i found only you and me chat here,whether we need to change other place to talk instead , I am afraid it will affect you hunt a handsome young boy here . or you have hunt a handsome boy in your arm .......haha , only a joke ....."

Dites-le avec des fleurs!
Au revoir.
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