- 主帖回帖
- 171 / 3310
- 在线时间
- 712 小时
- 本人年龄
- 青年(29~34)
- 喜爱年龄
- 中老(35~99)
- 所在地区
- 海外 欧洲
- 同性角色
- 1/0/69
- 我的身高
- 未补全
- 我的体重
- 未补全
风尘奇侠 Lv3

[ 7楼 ]

发表于 2010-07-30 18:19发布于 07-30 18:19 较早前
If that day comes when my departure empties your world, please look upon the sky and remember the real love we had.
If you ever feel lonely, look over the sky we once shared and belonged to. It is still as blue as it was, why should you have regret and tear?
Should you ever feel lonely, look back what we walked along in the past. Despite everything two hearts are converged at last, and will remain as connected as they are, for a million years. |