- 主帖回帖
- 2 / 33
- 在线时间
- 99 小时
- 本人年龄
- 青年(29~34)
- 喜爱年龄
- 青年(18~22)
- 所在地区
- 未补全
- 同性角色
- 0.5(1/0)
- 我的身高
- 未补全
- 我的体重
- 未补全
[ 61楼 ]

发表于 2007-08-04 10:19发布于 08-04 10:19 较早前
回复 #60 pope121 的帖子
Thanks for kids' interest! After two weeks, daddy will have more time to chat with those kids who are qualified for my post, so don't leave and send me your picture first...need address again: baby face boy with a good education background is my favorite, so if you have a cute baby face, and study at a college or graduate school, you will be my number one choice... all my posts are real, daddy has no time to play games with you guys... |